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The Baby Shower Items You Didn't Know you Needed!

Posted by Kerissa Payne on

The Baby Shower Items You Didn't Know you Needed!

These baby shower items are handy practicle items I didn't ask for, but I was thankful someone got me.

1. Batteries

Sounds silly right? But when that vibration on the bassinet or swing stops working at 2am and all you want to do is sleep, you will thank that person over and over again. C and D batteries are the best for this.


2. The Baby Nasal Aspirator NoseFrita Snotsucker PAIRED with the Oogiebear Nose and Ear Gadget. NoseFrita was perfect for those wet buggers, and winter cold. It really helped me see how bad it was and get the most out of her nose, compared to the traditional blue nasal aspirator. While the Oggiebear was perfect for those dry crusting you couldn't and all of the ear gunk that built up. Both of these items were life savers for me.

3. The Nested Bean Sleep Sacks! We have used the suites and the sacks from them and I can honestly say they were amazing, and held up so well! If you are done having babies they also hold their value. I bought 2 of each size and Sadie lived in them. They are usually cheaper on Amazon compared to target, but they are worth the splurge. This is an item this momma will cherish.

Swaddle Nested Bean: We didn't swaddle becasue Sadie wasn't a fan, but I still had one of these. It's a great option for a new momma who hasn't decided yet. We liked it because we could leave her arms out and still wrap her up nice and cozy. 

4. Cradle Cap Brush: These things are so cheap and so handy, every baby is bound to have a dry scalp, cradle cap or be in need of this handy tool at some point in time, and usually they are hard to find in the store. Add this to any gift and be there for momma when she is in need the most.




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  • A portable sound machine and sleep sacks are now forever my go-to shower gifts!

    Kristen O’Connor on

  • The Snuza was one of the best baby shower gifts we received. We slept a little better when the kids had it on.

    Holly on

  • Black and white board book (or other blacks and white cards/toy, etc). So good for baby’s development and it’s the first they’ll really be able to interact with. This was my favorite one because it’s slim for a board book and for nicely in the diaper bag and w could practice animal names and sounds and I could make up stories with the pictures. https://www.amazon.com/Animals-Black-Phyllis-Limbacher-Tildes/dp/0881063134/ref=asc_df_0881063134/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312095946443&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=15101388333388735390&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9014913&hvtargid=pla-434031110380&psc=1&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=60223809097&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=312095946443&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=15101388333388735390&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9014913&hvtargid=pla-434031110380&dplnkId=2380fca8-cfdb-4c58-87fb-d388efba630f Other more unconventional items, exercise ball for labor and holding/bouncing baby, boppy pregnancy sleep pillow (small kidney shaped one for pregnancy and I thought it was way better for nursing than the boppy for nursing), nursing clothes(or gift certificate) for mama if she’s planning to nurse.

    Seanna on

  • Our youngest daughter is due in 4 weeks! We’ll be sure to pick these up for her. Thank you!

    Tom & Sandy Schaadt on

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